This time of year a lot of people reflect on what they are thankful for. While there is a very long list of things for which I am grateful, among the things at the very top of the list is my family. For more reasons than I can count my family has allowed me to grow into the woman I am today, they have supported me in my goals, and have shown me unconditional love. They have also taught me that imagination is not just for kids, dreams can become a reality, and I can create anything I put my mind too. It is because of this that I have been able to see my hopes for Handcrafted Holidays come together with each piece I create.
My mom is one of the most talented and creative people I know. She used nothing more than her imagination, a pair of scissors and floral wire to build Window Designs by RoseAnn (windowdesignsbyroseann@msn.com). While she exercises her talents year round, Christmas is where she truly shines. Each tree she decorates is a work of art that captures the fun and magic of the holiday season. Recently, she was asked to do a live TV segment for Arise 360 Entertainment to share some decorating tips and tricks. Take a look at the
Christmas Decorating Segment.