I would first like to start by apologizing for not posting recently. A lot has been going on in my personal life, good and bad, some of which I will update you on in future posts. O
ne of the more difficult parts of the past few weeks has been the loss of three incredible women. Each taught me something about life: to live every day as its your last, to find pleasures in the small things, and to believe in yourself and your dreams no matter how bad the situation may seem.
Dealing with these loses has not been easy, but as always I have found comfort in crafts. Working with my hands and that simple piece of string gives me the chance to be alone with my thoughts and feelings. While looking for a new project to fulfill this need I was asked to take on a very meaningful craft.
One of the women I lost, Donna, was incredibly supportive of my crafts. When I doubted anyone would want something I made, she helped give me the courage and confidence to pursue my passion. This is what Donna did best, she saw the good in each person and nurtured it. Donna's last few years were troubled with health problems but she put her own challenges aside to better the life of others. In the days after she passed I was struck by how a woman, who could often times not even leave her bed, was able to reach out and touch so many lives in such a unforgettable way. It was clear the Donna's faith in God was the driving force behind her strength, compassion, and understanding. She shared this faith with her family in a special way, especially with her nieces and nephews.
For all these reasons and more, when her family asked me to complete a project Donna had started I couldn't say no. Donna had begun a Footprints in the Sand cross-stitch. For those of you who don't know Footprints in the Sand is a beautiful prayer showing how God is always by our side, especially during tough times. Donna believed in the words of the prayer and was working on the cross-stitch for her nephew.
While I have worked on many crafts in my life I have never attempted a cross-stitch. Despite my lack of experience the meaning behind this project has me ready to give cross-stitch my best shot. I guess Donna is still pushing me to tap into my creative potential. Donna started the tree tops and I have started to complete her unfinished work. Wish me luck as I stitch this cherished craft.