Monday, June 4, 2012

Countdown to Family Road Trip

As my mother always says, "The family that plays together, stays together."  She takes our family time very seriously and has instilled in us the importance of spending time with family.  Whether it be dinners together, movie nights, or family vacations I would say we are closer than the average family.  Perhaps the "secret" to our success is the many road trips we have taken over the years.

When we were younger my mom would wake us up, often before sunrise, and pack us into the car, pjs and all.  We would fall back asleep pretty quickly and when we awoke we were in some distant place.  Day trips to Providence Rhode Island, Mystic Connecticut, the Poconos, and the Catskills were not uncommon.  We would stop at a rest stop, change and begin our adventure.  While these day trips were packed with memories all their own, the road trips to places like Virginia, Florida, and Texas make or break a family.  Hours jammed in the same car can lead to pointless bickering over who is on whose side, what radio station to play, and what temperature is appropriate.  Those hours can also lead to shared memories, unforgettable laughs, and new understandings.

While there are an incredible number of stories I can share about our road trips, I think I will save those for another day.  Today is about our family's latest vacation.  We began planning a few months ago to go to Florida for my sister Stephanie's 21st Birthday (Yes, while most 21 year olds would choose Vegas, Atlantic City, or some other party town, my forever-child-at-heart sister wants Disney).  We rented a large house and planned for our July getaway.  Initially we were flying down to Florida, but what fun would that be.  It was decided that we will instead once again be packing into the family Suburban and driving all the way down the East Coast.  Stay tuned for details of our crazy road trip!    

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