Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Happy Valentine's Day to all our readers.  Maybe I get a little too excited for today but life gets pretty hectic and having a day that reminds us to stop and think about the ones we love is important.  So I hope everyone has a love filled day.  I emphasize love, not just romance, because it seems like so many people are depressed today since they don't have a significant other.  To me Valentine's Day is taking the time to appreciate those you love; that includes friends and family.  Besides why limit yourself to one Valentine when you can have a whole bunch? :)
I am lucky enough to have a great man to share dinner with tonight, but I have a few other Valentines as well. My siblings are now and forever will be my special little loves (yes I know they are growing up but they will always be my baby sisters and brother).  My mom was my first Valentine and therefore holds the title for life.  I know I can count on her being the first person to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day every year. And last but not least my Aunt Maria is my special Valentine.  After a very tough past few years I think she, more than anyone deserves a day to remind her of all the love and support that surrounds her.  So to my Valentine's (and my other family and friends) I love you with all my heart not just today but everyday.

What will you be doing to celebrate Valentine's Day?

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