Tuesday, May 1, 2012

From a simple string

I am blessed to have come from a family of inspired, creative individuals.  I am the oldest of five children and have a very large extended family.  They have taught me that there is something special about the sharing of handmade creations.  For generations we have passed down the skills and traditions of working with your hands to make unique creations.  The time we spend together creating has left me with many treasured memories.

While people often think a girl in her mid-twenties should not be as excited about crafts as I am, it truely is a part of who I am.  Time and again I find myself fascinated with how something small can become something magnificent... From a simple string of yarn comes a baby's first blanket, a scarf to keep you warm on winter adventures, or a washcloth used to care for your home.. perhaps most amazing is how a string of words can become a story.  Handcrafting is my family's story and each piece I make becomes apart of that.  I can only hope that the items I make and the stories I share can become something special for you and your family.

I am new to blogging so please bare with me as I learn and I will do my best to share stories, insights, and ideas with you.


  1. Congratulations on your blog! GREAT FIRST ENTRY POST!!!

    Your history is lovely and very interesting. I will follow your blog and watch you grow like a flower.

    Keep blogging...and I'll keep following.
    Thanks for sharing here,
    Bobbie :)

  2. Thank you Bobbie for your encouraging words!
