Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reader Input

I am lucky enough to have a long weekend this week and I have decided after work to head back to my aunt's country home for the weekend.  As you read in my post A Weekend to Recharge, last time I was there I was inspired to start a new crochet project.  I found the perfect yarn for my idea and it is already packed and ready for the trip into the mountains.  I'm looking forward to relaxing for a few days.  Not to mention it will be nice to work on the crochet project in the place that inspired the idea.

Since I will most likely be disconnected from phones/internet I will not be posting for the next few days.  I have received the most interest so far regarding my "how to" and explanation blogs.  I figured we can still make this a productive blogging weekend.  Please leave a comment below with any questions, how to topics, or helpful tip areas you would like me to discuss in the future.  I will take these comments into consideration when choosing future blog posts.


  1. Hi Christina,
    Sorry I haven't commented lately. Life here has been out-of-control, crazy busy. We did get the 400 dahlias planted but have not been able to plant our overflow garden yet. Our huge veggie garden is producing beautifully and we are enjoying our bounty.
    Life is throwing us a few curves. We just keep putting one foot in front of the other and continue forward.
    I haven't picked up my hook to crochet in weeks! BooHoo... but I have been following your blog and think you are doing an AWESOME job with your "how to" posts as well as all others.
    Hoping you have a very relaxing and enjoyable few days in the mountains with your Aunt and that you have fun working on your new project.
    Take care my friend -- Bobbie :)

  2. Hi Bobbie,

    I'm glad to hear that your gardening is doing so well. As for life's curves I think we all have been experiencing a few lately. Ill keep you in my prayers and I'm sure things will get better soon. I hope that you find some time to crochet soon, especially if life has been crazy. It is a good way to unwind and clear your head.

    I had a great time in the country this weekend. Ill be posting about it soon. The project idea I had is almost complete and it is coming out exactly as I had imagined :) I'm glad you are enjoying the posts, talk to you soon.
